In a dramatic turn of events, the clash between two renowned motivational speakers, Sandeep Maheshwari and Dr. Vivek Bindra, has escalated after Maheshwari’s ‘Big Scam Exposed’ video. The dispute has reached a new height with allegations and counter-allegations, prompting both speakers to share their sides of the story.
The Initial Spark:
Sandeep Maheshwari initiated the confrontation by uploading a video titled ‘Big Scam Exposed,’ where he indirectly addressed Dr. Vivek Bindra’s training programs. Maheshwari claimed threats and visits to his house by Dr. Vivek Bindra after posting the exposé.
Sandeep Maheshwari’s Allegations:
Sandeep Maheshwari took to his YouTube community on December 13, 2023, alleging that Dr. Vivek Bindra had threatened him to remove the video. He claimed repeated visits by Bindra’s employees to his house. Maheshwari stated that he wouldn’t succumb to threats and hinted at collective action by YouTubers against Dr. Vivek Bindra’s business practices.
Vivek Bindra’s Response:
In response, Dr. Vivek Bindra addressed the accusations on his YouTube community, expressing relief that Sandeep Maheshwari acknowledged the video was aimed at exposing him. Vivek challenged Maheshwari to a show where he could clarify any doubts his audience might have. Additionally, Bindra offered his 10-day MBA program for free and asserted that he has recordings to prove his side.
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Challenge and Clarification:
Vivek Bindra challenged Maheshwari by stating, “I do have recordings too. You blocked my number and ignored my humble requests various times to talk to me.” He further denied any threats from his team, urging Maheshwari to share unedited recordings if there was evidence to the contrary.
Call for Evidence:
Bindra asserted that threatening or scaring employees was not part of his team’s culture. He invited Sandeep Maheshwari to share unedited recordings of any such incidents, pledging to take immediate action. Bindra disclosed that the visits to Maheshwari’s house were intended to schedule an appointment for an open conversation.
Clash of Perspectives:
The clash between Sandeep Maheshwari and Dr. Vivek Bindra has now become a public spectacle, drawing attention to the ethical practices and business strategies within the motivational speaking industry. As both speakers present their sides, the audience awaits the resolution of this intense verbal duel.
Stay tuned for further developments in this unfolding saga of conflicting perspectives in the motivational speaking realm. #SandeepMaheshwari #VivekBindra #BigScamExposed #MotivationalSpeakers #YouTubeDrama**