Mumbai: Sanjay Bhatt, the promoter of Mask TV, has been awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award for his film “Hindutva” released on his OTT platform. Sanjay Bhatt accepted the award at a ceremony held in Mumbai.
The film “Hindutva” received widespread acclaim on its release, garnering praise from audiences on the OTT platform. Starring Ashish Sharma and Sonarika Bhadoria in lead roles, with direction by Karan Rajdhan, the film delves into pertinent societal issues.
Expressing his gratitude upon receiving the award, Sanjay Bhatt stated, “This is a matter of great pride. This award has inspired me greatly and motivated me to do even better work.” He also thanked the team behind the film and commended their hard work.
“Hindutva” is being streamed on the Mask TV OTT platform in Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu languages, aiming to spread a social message across diverse audiences.