Anshul Garg from Desi Music Factory recently struck a chord with audiences through the release of the single “Saanware,” featuring Bigg Boss 17 runner-ups Abhishek Kumar and Mannara Chopra. The song, adorned with Akhil Sachdeva’s soulful vocals and the captivating chemistry between the leads, quickly ascended the charts, garnering widespread acclaim. Building on this success, Anshul Garg is now set to collaborate with the eventual winner of Bigg Boss 17, Munawar Faruqui, for his latest venture, “Halki Halki Si.”
The upcoming single pairs Munawar with another ex-Bigg Boss contestant, Hina Khan, promising to evoke tender sentiments through gentle melodies. Asees Kaur and Saaj Bhatt lend their voices to the song, whose first look was unveiled by Anshul Garg on Saturday. The endearing chemistry between Munawar and Hina has already captivated audiences’ attention.
Speaking about his recurring collaborations with Bigg Boss contestants, Anshul Garg remarked, “It’s become a ritual that we do songs with the Bigg Boss contestants. And we have been delivering it for years.” He emphasized the success of their recent single, “Saanware,” and expressed excitement for the forthcoming project with Munawar and Hina Khan. “We are really excited for this one as we have teamed up with Hina Khan as well. It has been shot really well and is sounding amazing. So, we are expecting the same success we have experienced in the past with Bigg Boss contestants.”
Prior to this collaboration, Anshul had previously worked with Bigg Boss 13 winner, the late Siddharth Shukla, on two songs – “Dil Ko Karaar Aaya” with Neha Sharma and “Shona Shona” with Shehnaaz Gill. The latter, in particular, brought together the beloved Jodi of Sidnaaz, generating considerable buzz among fans. In addition to his ventures in the music industry, Anshul delved into feature films’ music last year with the album of Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi starrer “Selfie.” With a reputation for delivering musical gems, “Halki Halki Si” promises to be another heartfelt addition to Anshul Garg’s repertoire.