Vastu tips If you are troubled by financial constraints, follow these vastu tips by amrendra kumar yadav 04 Aug 2023 0900 am
Vastu Shastra Vastu has rules for everything. Following these rules brings happiness and prosperity in the house.
Vastu Tips We will talk about such Vastu tips that remove poverty from the house and bring happiness and prosperity.
Pay attention to the direction while worshiping. While worshiping, you should always face east. By doing this there is no shortage of money in the house.
Don't keep dried flowers Never keep dried flowers in the house. Keeping them in the house transmits negative energy.
The direction of bath should be kept in mind even while taking bath. One should face east or north while taking bath.
Cleanliness The cleanliness of the house is very important. Mother Lakshmi is pleased with this. Keep cleaning the house from time to time.
Keep the mirror covered in the bedroom If the mirror is kept in the bedroom, then keep it covered. Try to keep it out of the bedroom.
Pay attention to the direction while changing clothes, Vastu rules have also been given regarding changing clothes and dressing up in Vastu. While changing clothes, the face should be in the east or north direction.
Keep reading keep reading for more such news related to Vastu
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