These 6 things will wash away the dirt accumulated in the veins, cholesterol will always be under control

These 6 things will wash away the dirt accumulated in the veins and cholesterol will always be under control.

Risk of cholesterol Due to bad lifestyle and food, the risk of cholesterol is increasing continuously, which is very difficult to reduce.

Blockage in the veins Due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the body i.e. dirt in the veins, there is a problem of blockage and the risk of heart attack increases, apart from this the blood supply is also affected.

Why cholesterol increases, eating more oily things and also because you are not physically active, cholesterol starts increasing. If you also want that cholesterol does not increase in the body, then we are telling you about 5 such things that cholesterol do not allow to grow

Barley Eating barley has many benefits and many nutrients are found in it, it is also very beneficial in reducing cholesterol.

Calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B are found in plenty in oats, which are beneficial for the nervous system and also control cholesterol.

Brown Rice Brown rice has a low glycemic index and is rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, making it good for weight loss and heart health.

Broccoli Broccoli is a green vegetable, which is rich in fiber, iron, calcium, protein, zinc, selenium, vitamin A and C. Eating it keeps blood sugar and cholesterol under control.

Cabbage Cabbage is rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, along with this, it is found in more fiber and less calories, which helps in controlling cholesterol.

Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables are rich in nutrients and minerals, eating them can prevent heart-related problems, along with this, cholesterol is also controlled.