Aug 11 2023 The secret of Malaika Arora's youth even at the age of 49 vanshika saxena
Green vegetables To keep yourself young, after the age of 30, you should keep consuming green vegetables rich in antioxidants. sourcemalaikaaroraofficialinstagram
Consuming dry fruits like walnuts will make your skin look young. This Bollywood beauty also eats walnuts. sourcepexels
Including the best anti aging food like tomato in your daily diet will make your skin glow like Malaika Arora. sourcemalaikaaroraofficialinstagram
Milk: If you consume milk daily, then your skin will not show old age. sourcepexels
Apple The antiaging properties present in apple keep your skin tight. Wrinkles will also stay away from your face because of eating apples. sourcepexels
Curd By consuming curd in the daily routine, your skin will shine like Malaika Arora. sourcemalaikaaroraofficialinstagram
People who eat fish non-veg can also include fish in their diet. Omega 3 fatty acids present in fish will keep your skin young. sourcepexels
Get skin like Malaika Arora If you also want to get flawless skin like Malaika Arora, then you should include anti aging foods in your diet. It will be very difficult to guess your age even from your skin. sourcemalaikaaroraofficialinstagram
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