Pregnancy tips Consume these things in case of vomiting and nausea by prakhar pandey 02 Aug 2023 1211 pm
During pregnancy, every woman takes special care of her health. Let us know what things you should consume in case of vomiting and nausea.
Vomiting and nausea, body aches are common during pregnancy. It is common for women to have morning sickness, vomiting and nausea in the trimester of pregnancy. During this, they have to be more alert about their health.
If there is continuous vomiting during pregnancy, soak black gram in 1 glass of water and leave it at night. Drinking that water in the morning will be beneficial in vomiting.
Marmalade During pregnancy, when the problem of vomiting increases, you can also eat gooseberry marmalade. Marmalade is also known to be extremely effective against vomiting.
Make a mixture of coriander dry or green coriander. Consuming this mixture will give you quick relief from frequent vomiting during pregnancy.
Vitamin B6 The problem of vomiting and nausea can also be controlled to a great extent by the consumption of foods containing vitamin B6. Consumption of Vitamin B6 does not cause any harm to mother and child.
Sources Peanuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and salmon are good sources of vitamin B6. You can also consume banana and avocado during pregnancy.
Precautions Do not eat anything during pregnancy that can have a bad effect on your baby. Also, keep taking advice from your gynecologist from time to time.
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