Milk face packs will work like herbs on the skin

Aug 16 2023 Milk face packs will work like herbs on the skin vanshika saxena

Milk and turmeric Mix one and a half spoon turmeric in four spoon milk and apply it on the face and neck. Wash this paste thoroughly after 15 minutes. sourcepexels

Skin will glow Both raw milk and turmeric will be helpful in increasing the natural glow of your skin. sourcepexels

Milk Honey Lemon Mix two spoons of raw milk, one spoon of honey and lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face and neck for 15 minutes and then wash it. sourcepexels

Natural bleaching The mixture of milk, honey and lemon will enhance your beauty by doing natural bleaching of your face. sourcepexels

Milk and avocado Mix mashed avocado in two spoons of milk. Apply this homemade face pack on your face thoroughly. sourcepexels

Allow the dry milk and avocado paste to dry and then wash off. Believe me your skin will become soft like butter. sourcepexels

Milk and almonds Make a paste of almonds soaked in raw milk overnight and wash after applying on face and neck for 20 minutes. sourcepexels

The effect will be visible in a week, just after a week of using these face packs made of milk, you will start seeing magical effects on your skin. sourcepexels

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