Make natural face wash at home for glowing skin

Aug 19 2023 Make natural face wash at home for skin glow vanshika saxena

Milk Milk is beneficial for all skin types. Milk enhances the glow of your face by removing the dirt present on your skin. sourcepexels

Apple vinegar Applying apple vinegar on your face with a cotton ball will not only make your skin glow but pimples will also not come out on your face. sourcepexels

Honey Apply a little honey on the wet face and wash the face. Honey acts as a cleanser on your face. sourcepexels

Curd: Applying curd on your face can remove the problem of sunburn and dark spots. Curd makes your skin soft. sourcepexels

Grate cucumber and scrub it on the face. Due to the abundance of water present in cucumber, your face remains hydrated. sourcepexels

Oats Wet oats and make a paste and apply on your face like a scrub. Oats will be helpful in increasing the glow of your face. sourcepexels

Banana Mash the banana and apply it on your face and after some time wash your face with warm water. sourcepexels

Effect will be seen in a week If you use natural face wash regularly, then you will start seeing positive effect on your skin within just a week. sourcepexels

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