Know what to do and what not to do when you have eye flu

Know what to do and what not to do in case of eye flu by kushagra valuskar 01 Aug 2023 0516 pm

Wash hands Wash hands with soap and water to avoid eye flu. By doing this the infection will not spread.

Keep distance Eye flu infection spreads rapidly. To avoid this, keep distance from other people.

Do not give personal things to others Avoid sharing personal things to avoid eye flu. Separate the towels, pillow covers, clothes etc. when the members of the household have eye flu.

Keep clean Disinfect eyeglasses and contact lenses. Also, pay special attention to the cleanliness of other things.

Do not rub the eyes due to eye flu, there is a problem of itching in the eyes. Avoid rubbing the eyes to avoid infection.

Do not go to the swimming pool if you have the swimming pool eye flu. Infection can spread by going into the water and many people can get infected by it.

Public Place Eye flu spreads rapidly from person to person. Do not go to such places where the air does not come properly.

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