Aug 16 2023 kajal smudges again and again try 9 hacks arunima soni
Good Kajal First things first, always buy a good quality kajal to make it last longer and avoid smudging. sourcepexels
Dry the oil Before applying kajal, if there is sweat or oil on the face, clean the whole face and eyes with tissue or towel paper, only then apply kajal. sourcekareenakapoorkhaninstagram
Primer before mascara If you are using mascara to apply liner, then apply a little primer on the base of the eye lid and wait for 5 minutes, then apply mascara. sourcepexels
Method of applying kajal Always apply kajal from one corner to the other, never apply kajal from the middle of the eye lid. sourceistock
Sharp tip The tip of the kajal pencil should always be sharp so that the kajal applies easily, fits well and does not spread. sourcekareenakapoorkhaninstagram
After applying loose powder kajal, it is always good to dab the surrounding skin with loose powder, this clears the access oil of the skin and also covers up the skin. sourcekareenakapoorkhaninstagram
If the ear bud gets spread while applying a little bit of kajal, then clean it with the ear bud, cleaning it by hand or with a cloth can spread the kajal on the skin. sourcesobhitadinstagram
For small eyes, if your eyes are small or the eyelids come up, then you should not apply thick mascara, thick mascara will make your eyes look smaller. sourceananyapandeyinstagram
Thanks for reading next Milk face packs will work like herbs on the skin find out more