If these things are seen in dreams then luck will shine soon by sahil 03 Aug 2023 1031 am
Dream science Usually everyone sees dreams at night. According to dream science, every dream indicates the occurrence of some event.
Interpretation of dreams Every kind of dream has been explained in detail in the dream book. Perhaps you would also know that seeing some things in dreams is inauspicious.
Auspicious sign It is mentioned in the dream book that the appearance of some things in the dream indicates the opening of luck. Let's know about these things.
Seeing Gods and Goddesses If you believe in the scriptures, then it is auspicious to see Gods and Goddesses in your dreams. This indicates that some of your stalled work is about to be completed.
Appearance of animals If you see a peacock, elephant or parrot in your dream, then it is a very good sign for you. Such dreams mean that your time is going to be good very soon.
Broom In the dream book, seeing a broom is also considered auspicious. It is believed that seeing a broom in a dream will increase happiness and prosperity in your life.
Appearance of Moon Moon is considered a symbol of peace. It is also auspicious to see the moon in the dream. This indicates that your respect is going to increase.
Seeing rain If you see rain in your dream, it is also a good sign. It means that you are going to get freedom from debt.
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