Get glowing skin in 15 days! use cocoa powder

Aug 24 2023 get glowing skin in 15 days use cocoa powder vanshika saxena

Cocoa powder and cinnamon Mix two spoons of cocoa powder and half spoon of cinnamon powder with half spoon of honey and apply on your face. sourcepexels

Skin will become soft Mixture of cocoa powder and cinnamon will make your skin baby soft. sourcepexels

Cocoa powder and multani mitti Mix one spoon of cocoa powder, half a spoon of multani mitti and a few drops of rose water and apply on your face. sourcepexels

Will get rid of pimples With the help of this face pack, you will not only get rid of pimples and dead skin but will also enhance the glow of your face. sourcepexels

Cocoa powder and aloe vera gel One spoon of cocoa powder and one spoon of aloe vera gel will work like herbs on your skin. sourcepexels

Apply like this Apply the paste of cocoa powder and aloe vera gel on the face for 20 minutes and then wash the face thoroughly. sourcepexels

Cocoa powder and coconut milk Mix one spoon of cocoa powder and coconut milk and add vitamin E capsules to it. sourcepexels

The effect will be visible in two weeks, after just two weeks of applying such homemade face packs on your face, your skin will start glowing like a tubelight. sourcepexels

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