Follow these measures to prevent high fever by ashish mishra 07 Aug 2023 0210 pm
Bandage of cold water In case of high fever, wet a clean cloth and squeeze it and use the bandage on the forehead. This reduces fever.
Boil Giloy Giloy in water and drink it hot, it provides relief from fever. A little honey can also be added to it.
Ginger Ginger is antibacterial and antiviral. Consuming ginger tea provides relief from fever.
Garlic Garlic is useful in curing fever. It removes toxins from the body by reducing the temperature.
Nutrients are found in plenty in Tulsi Tulsi. Consuming this reduces fever. This also keeps the mind clean.
Neem leaf Neem leaf is useful in curing dengue fever along with general fever. It also boosts the immune system.
Clove Clove has antipyretic property which lowers the temperature in the body. It also increases immunity.
Absinthe Absinthe is antipyretic. It is very beneficial in eliminating high fever. It should be boiled in water and drunk.
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