Dark chocolate keeps the heart and mind fit by anil tomar 07 Aug 2023 1030 am
How Chocolate is Made Chocolate is made from cocoa beans sugar and butter. Cocoa beans are dried and roasted and then ground. Then it is made by mixing cocoa butter with butter.
Dark chocolate contains more than 70 cocoa beans. Dark chocolate contains more than 70 cocoa beans. Chocolate is considered dark chocolate. Chocolate with 60 to 70 cocoa beans is considered halfsweet chocolate.
Improves Heart Health Dark chocolate contains flavonoids which are antioxidants and may improve heart health. They can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and reduce the chance of blood clots.
Lowers Cholesterol Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids that may help lower cholesterol. They can reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
Reduces stress Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids that can help reduce stress. They can increase blood flow to the brain and improve mood.
Improves brain health Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids that may improve brain health. They can enhance memory, enhance learning ability and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Rich in Antioxidants Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals can cause cell damage which can lead to many diseases.