Eye Flu

Eye flu eat these foods to keep eyes healthy by prakhar pandey 29 jul 2023 1106 am

Eye flu Eye flu disease is currently spreading very fast. Today we will tell you which foods you should eat to keep your eyes healthy.

Tomato juice Tomato juice should be drunk to make the eyes healthy. Vitamin A, Vitamin C and potassium are found inside tomatoes. These nutrients are very beneficial for the eyes.

Coconut water Many types of vitamins and minerals are also found inside coconut water. Consuming it regularly also reduces the risk of glaucoma.

A good amount of vitamin C is also found inside oranges, which is very beneficial in keeping the eyes healthy. Blood vessels remain strong by consuming oranges.

Dark Chocolate: The cocoa found inside dark chocolate is also very beneficial for the health of the eyes. Eating dark chocolate promotes blood flow to the brain and retina.

Many types of nutrients are found in leafy vegetables, including broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables. Along with this, green vegetables also act as antioxidants. In such a situation, green vegetables will improve the health of the eyes.

Citrus fruits, lemon, grapes, berries, amla etc. are also considered extremely beneficial for the eyes. Vitamin E and Vitamin C are found in good amounts in citrus fruits.

Precautions To stay away from eye flu, one has to pay attention to food. Also keep distance from iFlu patients. Immediately consult a doctor in case of eye flu.

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