Do these 9 Yogasanas daily, the skin will become so shiny that the light will kill you.

Jul 31 2023 Do these 9 Yogasanas daily, the skin will become so shiny that the light will kill arunima soni

Dhanurasana Dhanurasana helps in improving skin texture and overall health along with improving blood circulation to the pelvic area and face. sourceistock

Paschimottanasana This asana improves digestion, which keeps the stomach clean and glow on the skin. sourceistock

Padmasana: With this asana, blood circulation in the body is good, due to which the skin gets glowing. Padmasana relieves stress and anxiety. sourceistock

Sarvangasana This yoga pose improves the blood circulation of the head and facial parts, due to which the skin remains glowing and its glow increases. sourceistock

Ustrasana This yoga asana improves the blood flow to the scalp, due to which toxins are released from the blood and the skin starts glowing. sourceistock

Along with reducing stress, Halasan improves the digestive system and also improves the blood flow of the body, due to which the skin glows and the face glows. sourceistock

Matsyasana stretches the neck and back along with correcting the posture with this asana, which is good for glowing skin. sourcepexels

Trikonasana This triangle pose helps in providing more oxygen to the skin. Which helps in rejuvenating the skin and gives a glow. Doing this asana twice a day gives good results within a few weeks sourcepexels

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