Actor Sumit Aroraa, known for his role as Ajeet in Prateek Sharma’s “Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan,” expresses his joy in portraying a character that resonates with viewers. Ajeet, a happy-go-lucky individual dedicated to spreading joy, allows Aroraa to explore a variety of scenes, showcasing his versatility as an artist.
“My character is quite relatable. He is a happy-go-lucky person, always stays happy and helps everyone stay happy as well. The character is quite relatable. I am happy that I got to play such a good character in Radha Mohan,” he shares.
Aroraa, who enjoys both comedy and emotional scenes, credits his theater background for instilling the importance of versatility in an actor. Whether delivering humor or diving into intense emotions, he approaches each scene with equal dedication.
Working with producer Prateek Sharma, Aroraa praises Sharma’s understanding of audience preferences. He appreciates the diversity in the show’s tracks, ensuring that viewers always have something new to look forward to. Aroraa feels blessed to be a part of LSD production house under Prateek Sharma’s guidance.
Discussing his favorite scene, Aroraa highlights the current sequence involving Shabir (Mohan) possessed by the soul of Tulsi. He finds the track interesting and exciting, expressing admiration for Shabir’s performance and the team’s involvement in the gripping storyline.
Despite the growing competition from OTT platforms, Aroraa acknowledges the loyalty of TV audiences. He recognizes the unique appeal of television, especially among the older generation, emphasizing the routine and comfort associated with traditional TV viewing.
Sumit Aroraa’s enthusiasm for being on set and his gratitude for working with a wonderful team reflect the positive and fulfilling experience he finds in his role and the production house. As Ajeet in “Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan,” Aroraa continues to captivate audiences with his versatile and relatable portrayal.