Actor Dheeraj Dhoopar, renowned for his role in ‘Kundali Bhagya,’ is delving into the intricacies of the Urdu language to enhance the authenticity of his character in Prateek Sharma’s ‘Rabb Se Hai Dua.’ The actor, portraying Subhaan in the show, is leaving no stone unturned to master the Urdu dialect.
Dheeraj is actively participating in workshops, seeking guidance from his makeup artist, and even incorporating Urdu into his conversations at home with wife Vinny Arora. Recognizing the significance of linguistic nuances in character portrayal, the actor emphasizes the need to go beyond the sets in understanding the depth of the Urdu language.
“The journey of portraying and understanding a character is not just confined to the sets. To grasp the minute details of the beautiful Urdu language, I’ve taken workshops and engaged with my crew members,” shared Dheeraj.
Highlighting a unique source of learning, he added, “My makeup artist has a strong command of the language, so I am learning a lot from him every day since he is always around me on set. Additionally, I’ve integrated Urdu into my conversations at home with my wife, which is helping me practice, but also making Vinny communicate with me in the same way.”
The show, ‘Rabb Se Hai Dua,’ has recently taken a 22-year leap, centering around the journey of Dua’s daughters—half-sisters Ibaadat and Mannat. The storyline revolves around their opposition to the misuse of polygamy laws by men.
Dheeraj Dhoopar, sharing the screen with Yesha Rughani and Seerat Kapoor, embodies the pivotal role of Subhaan. ‘Rabb Se Hai Dua’ airs on Zee TV, promising a blend of compelling narratives and linguistic authenticity.