Exciting news for fans and admirers of actor Prashant Bajaj! The talented actor, known for his work in projects like “Ayushman Bhava” and “Ayodhya Ki Ramleela,” has secured a significant role in the upcoming movie “Journey,” directed by the renowned Anil Sharma, famous for his directorial work in the iconic film “Gadar.”
In this new venture, Prashant Bajaj takes on a prominent role, sharing the screen as a parallel lead with the legendary Nana Patekar. The actor expresses his honor and privilege to be a part of a film helmed by Anil Sharma, who is acclaimed for creating magic on-screen, as seen in films like “Gadar” and its sequel.
Prashant Bajaj considers it a great honor to work alongside Nana Patekar, who plays the main lead in the film. While details about the project and Prashant’s role are kept under wraps, he shares his excitement about the upcoming venture. The film has already commenced shooting in Varanasi, and the actor is thrilled about the unique and interesting aspects of the project.
Wishing Prashant Bajaj all the best for his role in “Journey” and hoping that his audience enjoys his work in this exciting collaboration with Anil Sharma and Nana Patekar. Stay tuned for more updates on this promising project!
Great News for Fans: Prashant Bajaj Joins Nana Patekar in Anil Sharma’s Upcoming Movie ‘Journey’
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