India’s biggest composite animation drama, “Luv you Shankar,” is all set to make its grand debut on September 22, 2023. The film, produced by SD World Film Production and Jumping Tomato Studio, has been generating immense buzz and anticipation among movie enthusiasts. Directed by the acclaimed Rajiv S. Ruia, known for his previous directorial success with “My Friend Ganesha,” “Luv you Shankar” promises to be a visual spectacle and a cinematic treat for audiences.
Featuring a star-studded cast including Shreyas Talpade, Tanisha Mukerji, Sanjay Mishra, Mann Gandhi, Abhimanyu Shing, Patreikk Jain, Hemant Pandey, and Elakshi Gupta, the film showcases a remarkable blend of talent. Each actor brings their unique charm and acting prowess to their respective roles, ensuring a captivating on-screen experience.
SD World Film Production Presents ‘Luv you Shankar’: A Visual Extravaganza Coming to Theaters on September 22
The production of “Luv you Shankar” is helmed by Tejas Desai, Sunita Desai, and Rohandeep Singh, who have spared no effort in bringing this ambitious project to life. Their dedication and passion for the craft are evident in every frame of the film.
Adding depth and emotion to the narrative is the mesmerizing soundtrack, composed by Vardan Singh, who also serves as the associate producer. The music promises to be a soul-stirring accompaniment to the captivating visuals, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.
“Luv you Shankar” will be released in four languages – Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, catering to a diverse audience across various regions. This multi-lingual approach ensures that the film’s gripping storyline and exceptional performances reach a wider range of moviegoers, further establishing its potential for success.
Director Rajiv S. Ruia’s Highly Anticipated Film ‘Luv you Shankar’ Set for September 22 Release
Movie enthusiasts are eagerly marking their calendars for September 22, 2023, as “Luv you Shankar” takes center stage in theaters nationwide. The film, starring the dynamic duo of Shreyas Talpade and Tanisha Mukerji, is poised to mesmerize audiences with its engaging narrative and exceptional performances. The anticipation surrounding the film is palpable, and fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to witness this grand spectacle unfold on the silver screen.
With its unique blend of composite animation, drama, and talented cast, “Luv you Shankar” has all the ingredients to leave a lasting impact on the hearts of movie lovers. As the release date draws nearer, expectations are running high, and the film is primed to make its mark as a milestone in Indian cinema.